
In this document we will be going over the sign-up procedure and what information you will need to supply in order to begin your Icefloe journey. You will be creating your Icefloe User Account which will be the primary way in which you interface with the Icefloe portal.


When you are first brought to the Icefloe portal page you will be brought to the sign-in page. If you already have an account then you can sign-in here as normal. For those without an account, navigate to the register account button at the bottom of the sign-in page to begin the process.

The first thing you will need to create is a Icefloe User Account. You have a number of options available to do this.

Sign-up With Email

To do this simply type your email address and preferred password into the text boxes provided and tick the box to acknowledge that you understand our terms and conditions. When you hit the red create account button you will be brought through to your profile.

Sign-up With a 3rd Party System

The Icefloe portal also offers the ability to sign-up, and subsequently sign-in, using an external profile in order to create your account. To do this simply navigate to the list of available apps below the Email and Password text fields. Currently we support sign-up with the following accounts:

  • Google
  • Apple ID
  • GitHub Once you have completed this process you will be re-directed to your profile.

Once you have created your Icefloe User Account you will be prompted to create an organisation or will have an invitation waiting for you from an existing one.